
Often, you can learn an app by just playing with it. But Beyond Compare is an empty glass. Fill it with some test data from this page.

Most important download, the Beyond Compare Free Download, Trial License!

To get started with Beyond Compare, on Mac, Linux, or Windows:

  1. Download the software

  2. Install it

  3. Enjoy Beyond Compare for thirty (non-consecutive) days.

The Beyond Compare free trial does not need a registration key. It runs fully featured for the first thirty days and then you can pay either US$60 or US$30 for a perpetual license.

Next, if you are just playing around, maybe you are not sure what kinds of files to use when trying out Beyond Compare. Grab some test data!

Fake files to play with in TEXT COMPARE

Fake files to play with in TABLE COMPARE (Excel and CSV files):

Fake files to play with in FOLDER COMPARE:

Fake files to play with in FOLDER SYNC:

Image of Lorem Ipsum by Luca Silenzi at Spacelab-IMHO

Last updated